Tailoring Your Sales Approach

tailoring sales approach

When it comes to sales and tailoring your sales approach, whether through direct conversation, PowerPoint-led presentations or the trusty old phone call, one thing is certain – you’ll need to win your prospective client’s buy-in. Central to this process is your ability to effectively tailor your approach to the client and throughout this blog we explore just how you can develop a more bespoke approach to winning business and how this will contribute to a more successful sales process.

Be Succinct

Though it is preferable for your to steer proceedings in alignment with your objectives (selling, essentially), this should not be regarded as an invitation to waffle on with a preamble and unnecessary detail. Being succinct not only speeds up the process through which you’ll be able to deliver your key marketing hooks and takeaway points, it also shows a richness of understanding in your industry, making you more credible.

An excellent trait for your sales team to have is the ability to simplify and reframe concepts and messages in terms that appeal to and align with the specific needs of the client. The best way to both show you are knowledgeable in your field, are able can add value and are equipped with a purposeful plan, is to keep your words short, sweet and to the point.

Less is more.

Understand Your Prospective Clients

Building on from the preceding point, we thought we’d reiterate the extent to which education regarding a prospect is imperative to an effective sales approach. In fact, a 2014 study by Qvidian supports this, highlighting the fact that salespeople often lose out on deals as a result of relying on a generic, unoriginal approach.

This serves as no surprise given that, regardless of the industry in which they operate, businesses are run by people. Even the most professional people are plagued by their own fears, worries and issues keeping them up at night; generic approaches fail to consider this and therefore, miss out on an opportunity to use these as a the basis for framing a sales pitch. Remember, if you can frame your pitch as such that it is delivered as a solution to their specific problems it’ll be much more likely to succeed.

Key Considerations For B2B Selling

Again, building from the aforementioned points, the B2B environment is subject to the same “rules” as the B2C environment, requiring an equally, if not more tailored approach. To aid you in better developing your approach and bringing it in further alignment with our own 360’ approach, we’ve outlined three key considerations to make when shaping your future pitches:

  • What is the information you need to convey to best represent your service in the eyes of your client?
  • What is the company’s decision-making process – who are the primary decision makers?
  • Are there any specific influence or pain points that can be used as leverage? (These can be used to inform your key sales messages)

Whilst these tips will contribute to a more tailored sales approach, this is just the tip of the iceberg – at Manifest, we have mounds of knowledge and experience to help you bolster your conversion rates; this is knowledge that we are delighted to share with you face-to-face.