Intent Data for Agency New Business
What is it and how can you use intent data for agency new business development? Well, simply put, ‘intent data’ is information about a company that indicates that there is likely to be a higher level of interest in your services at a given time than usual. There is ‘intent’ to purchase (or at least[...]
Insight-led New Business Development
Insight-led new business development sounds mighty impressive; an agency selects a category or issue they are passionate about, invest time, energy and not a little cash on unearthing a new insight and take it to market to impress potential new clients. Sounds great doesn’t it? But be careful. WHO ARE YOU TARGETING? Most enterprise-level or[...]
Improving Your Agency Website
Improving your agency website is crucial for attracting new business. Yet, many agencies still overlook this key aspect, resulting in poorly maintained or under-construction websites. While not every agency site is subpar, a surprising number are either lacking in content or fail to meet modern standards, often excused with claims of being “too busy with[...]
Maintaining a Prospect’s Interest
Following an initial meeting, staying in touch without appearing intrusive is essential to building trust and maintaining a prospect’s interest. This helps agencies maintain a professional connection without seeming overly persistent. Here’s a practical checklist that many agencies find useful to nurture relationships and stay on a client’s radar if no immediate opportunity is available.[...]
Selecting a Marketing Agency
When selecting a marketing agency, decision-makers evaluate two key types of factors: Hygiene and Chemical. Each of these factors plays a distinct role during different stages of the selection process, influencing who makes it onto the shortlist and, ultimately, who secures the contract. Let’s explore how Hygiene and Chemical factors impact the journey of selecting[...]
Outsourcing New Business Development
Whenever someone says they don’t believe in outsourcing new business development, we say, “Good! You shouldn’t.” But there’s an important distinction to make, and we use an analogy from the oil industry to illustrate it. In the oil industry, there are two primary sectors: Upstream and Downstream. Upstream involves the exploration and extraction of oil,[...]
The 95:5 Rule for Marketing Agency New Business
In today’s competitive landscape, the 95:5 rule for marketing agency new business is vital. This marketing rule is a critical framework for agencies that want to expand their client base and sustain growth. The principle shows that 95% of your target audience is not in the market for your services at any time. Meanwhile, only[...]
Reputation Management in Business Development
Not enough is said about the importance of reputation management in business development. The emphasis is too often on the short term dopamine hit of the new business meeting; sometimes at the expense of the long-term value of the client relationship. Think about it. How do you judge the KPIs of your new business development[...]
A Double-Edged Blade Slicing Through the Heart of Advertising.
The landscape of the advertising industry is undergoing a seismic shift, with big management consultancies emerging as formidable competitors to the traditional advertising agency networks. This evolution marks a pivotal moment in the sector. These consultancies leverage their extensive strategic, digital transformation, and data analytics capabilities to encroach on the domain traditionally occupied by advertising[...]
Authentic Interaction for Agency Growth
In the ever-competitive landscape of agency growth, the distinction between thriving and merely surviving often hinges on the quality of business development strategies. Amidst the digital evolution, the human touch in agency business development remains irreplaceably vital. This article delves into why agencies should prioritise using a new business agency that employs ex-agency professionals as[...]